Sweep & Service


With the summer close approaching, this is the ideal time to give your stove some TLC with the Stamford Stoves Sweep & Service offer.

Last week, we took to the road with our HETAS Engineer and Surveyor Ben, so we can show you exactly what goes on with a Stamford Stoves sweep and service, while finding out the best tips for how to best look after your stove and to hear all the important do’s and don’t when it comes to wood burning.


First, Ben preps the room to ensure everything is well covered so when he leaves, you won’t even know he’s been apart from the beautiful refreshed stove that’s left behind...

He begins with checking the chimney, looking for a fine layer of powdering soot which shows that the stove has been burning well with the correct wood being used.


During this initial inspection, it’s hopeful that Ben doesn’t discover any shiny and hard soot or any lumps or clumps of soot gathered in the chimney. This indicates that the stove is likely to have not been cleaned annually as recommended, or that the wrong kind of wood or fuel have been used in the stove. Controlling the stove in the correct manor has a big impact on the condition of the flue, slumbering or closing the air vents down too far and not letting the stove breathe properly affect the draw and make condensation inside the liner a probability. Condensation mixed with the soot, then turns to tar and overtime, this corrodes the chimney lining.

This kind of condition, leaves the soot in a more tar like substance, which will now be glued to the flue liner, and Ben would need to start a more severe and abrasive sweep while recommending the owner changes the fuel they normally use to a kiln-dried wood, and to the use of natural firelighters going forward.

However, in this case, this stunning Esse stove had the perfect conditions for a successful sweep with fine, powdery soot and with the flue liner and areas of metal still visible, meaning the stove was ready for a complete sweep!



The Stamford Stove Service essentially gives your wood burner the ultimate treatment resulting in it looking as good as new!


Following the sweep (this stove had a sweep and premium service – from £120), the service includes; a safety and smoke test, complete internal and external clean-out, glass treatment, resealing, re- point, rope check (and replacement if needed) and the icing on the cake, the respray!


Your stove really will look like new and the results are exceptional. You can return home to a perfect, clean and happy stove which is safe, secure as ready to get back to heating your home.

If you're stuck with what fuel is best recommended to use on your stove, then the Firewood Poem will help...

The Firewood Poem -

Beechwood fires are bright and clear If the logs are kept a year, Chestnut’s only good they say,

If for logs ’tis laid away.

Make a fire of Elder tree,

Death within your house will be; But ash new or ash old,

Is fit for a queen with crown of gold.

Birch and fir logs burn too fast Blaze up bright and do not last, it is by the Irish said

Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread. Elm wood burns like churchyard mould,

E’en the very flames are cold But ash green or ash brown

Is fit for a queen with golden crown

Poplar gives a bitter smoke,

Fills your eyes and makes you choke, Apple wood will scent your room Pear wood smells like flowers in bloom

Oaken logs, if dry and old keep away the winter’s cold But ash wet or ash dry

a king shall warm his slippers by.


Enquire about a Sweep & Service today!

Standard service only £70.00

Internal and external clean out, Rope check/replacement, re-sealing, safety check and advise on potential parts that may need replacement in the next year or so.

Premium service only £85.00

Standard service + Glass treatment and full re-spray

Sweep only £60.00

Discount of £10 applied if sweep and service carried out together.