Time for a Survey!

It’s January. That time of year where the weather is frightful, work doesn’t feel delightful, and we all want to do is hibernate after the excesses of Christmas and New Year.

If 2018 is the year that you finally treat yourself to that wood burning stove you’ve always wanted, the first step is to call Stamford Stoves and get booked in for your free, no obligation home survey!



A home survey is an important part of your new wood burner installation.

It allows us to assess the existing fireplace or log burner in your home (if you have one) to make sure we can carry out an installation safely and to the highest of standards. We focus on aspects such as access, flue installation, ventilation and any regulations which may affect the type of wood burner you are legally permitted to install.

We then discuss all your requirements with you – we can account for all kinds of style and budget requests to make sure that your stove and installation is exactly what you want! The survey allows us to generate a competitive, accurate quote which takes into account all your installation needs as well as your beautiful new wood burner.


Did you know? Our team of engineers can also create false chimney breasts, or provide gorgeous bespoke fireplaces and hearths.


Once you’re all booked in, one of our trained, knowledgeable engineers will pay you a visit to carry out your survey. It usually takes around 30 minutes and is absolutely free! Our engineers can offer all kinds of expert advice if you have questions, and recommend the best wood burner for your requirements if you’re not sure what you’re looking for.

Once we have completed the survey, we provide you with your bespoke quote within 3 to 5 working days. It’s then up to you to let us know when you’d like to proceed with your installation. We work in your home with the utmost respect and always aim to keep disruptions to an absolute minimum!


So why wait? Transform your home into a cosy winter hideaway today by clicking the ‘Get in Touch’ button below to book in your free home survey!